New Member - 1939 P2

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New Member - 1939 P2

Post by BEW775 » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:22 pm

Hi. I have recently purchased a 1939 Rover P2. It was owned by one family for almost 70 years. There is a bit of a story which I will try to cut down!!

The car was originally purchased new in July 1939 by Albert and Maud Rickards from Murcketts garage in Cambridge. In 1956 it was passed to their son Norman, who used the car until 1999. In 2000 the engine failed and the car was sent to a garage for repair. A replacement piston was fitted but unfortunately the car smoked from that point onwards and eventually Norman's wife (Beryl) gave the car to Whitewebbs museum in Enfield.

My father and Norman grew up together and I was aware of 'Normans old car' from a very young age. My father was a mechanic and I can remember him chatting about working on the car in the 1950s. I had visited the museum a few times and always made sure I had a look at the Rover.

I was surprised (and lucky!) to see a facebook post by Practical Classics Magazine describing a one family owned Rover 12. When I looked at the photo I realised it was Norman's car and that it was for sale. I contacted the museum and arranged to view the car.

I took a friened with me and we both looked at the car with a view to one of us buying it. I had a look around it, looked underneath etc, but I must confess, I didnt really know what I was looking at! What did interest me was the 3 A4 sheets of history on the passenger seat that Beryl Rickards had given the museum. I had always referred to Norman as 'Uncle Norman' but I didnt realise my family were related to the Rickards until I started reading the history! It turns out that Norman was my Dad's cousin, the car took my dad to the church for his wedding, was used for Norman's wedding to Beryl, took the family to my wedding etc.

Its probably not a surprise that I purchased the car from the museum, and it can now continue in the same family. I am in contact with Norman's wife and his son and I am keeping them updated on my progress with the car.

I have started by performing a compression check which seems ok (140psi on each cylinder) and the oil looks very clean, but quite thin. The engine was free, so I turned to over without the plugs in, checked there was oil pressure and started it. There is quite a bit of blue smoke but the car does run, drive and stop!

Apparently the original engine died at 83000 miles in 1971 and was replaced with a reconditioned 1937 Rover 10 engine. This engine died after 32000 miles in 2000. Apparently the garage who were asked to repair it were given both engines and I am unsure which engine is in the car. I suspect it is the Rover 10 engine, but I will have a look for the engine number to try and confirm.

Sorry to go on! I hope you enjoyed reading my story.

Posts: 560
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:08 pm

Re: New Member - 1939 P2

Post by GOY189 » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:29 pm

Welcome to the group, what a wonderful story.


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