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Re: Age of owners

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:38 pm
by dhbuchanan
If you read my posting carefully, you will see that I remarked that Red Robbo and his union chums only HELPED to destroy the British motor industry.Trying to deny that was the case would leave one on a very sticky wicket, though it is true that theirs was the most publicised role at the time.
There were, of course,several other contributory factors,all of which are dealt with at length in Christopher Balfour's book, " Roads to Oblivion" (ISBN 1870979826). As Ian Elliott has recently pointed out, the disastrous sale of the Rover Company to Leyland in 1967 was rushed through because Rover Co. directors feared losing out on their severance payments and share options. A case of "le trahison des clercs" perhaps?

Re: Age of owners

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:55 pm
by wooster

Re: Age of owners

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:28 am
by Klaus
rathorover wrote:The reasons for the failure of the British owned motor industry are many and complex. Foreign owners seem to be managing it quite well.
Jeremy Clarkson explained the decline of the British car industry in a short documentary some while ago. Don't know how accurate his conclusions are, but the film certainly is entertaining: